Monday, December 29, 2008

Princess Diana is alive and living in Buckingham Palace

Good news. Princess Di didn't die in the tunnel under the streets of Paris. She is alive and living happily ever after like a princess like she should. The amazing truth is now published by The Conspiracy Man, although he won't be sure of his life after this. Come and get me Lizard people from Nibiru and Illuminati. I am waiting on you and have a few surprises for you. My location

The Round Earth Deception

You have been deceived, people. By the main stream scientists as well as your fifth grade teacher, Mr Beukes (never trust a man with such green eyes that seems to look right into your brain). The earth is not round like a ball, but rather flat like a coin. Read the truth here.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Red Meat Deception

This is one that even the conspiracy theorists never talk about. Even they are part of this conspiracy... or are they. Read this and find out for yourself. You will be shocked to find out how the wool has been pulled over your eyes -for all these years -to blind you from the truth. Read, eat red mead and be merry. It doesn't matter in any case, because in 2012 we are all goners no matter how fit and healthy we are. THEY are already on their way here. THEY are to read the truth.

The irrefutable truth about the Reptilian Overlords

Yes, gentle reader, the Lizards really exist and they are here on earth. Your best friend could be a Lizard. I have search high and low all over the world, but especially on the Internet and lying in bed looking at the ceiling, until I found the truth. And here I give it to you for free and to distribute all over the blogospheres and Internets. Read the most awe-inspiring facts here, with enough evidence to fill the supreme court to overflow... Just click.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Lizards are real, BUT...

Yes, the Reptilians from Niburu are really here on earth. They are real - people - and will soon be coming for you.

To read the absolute truth about these dark overlords who have been on earth for billions of years and rule the world with an iron fist through the Illumunati click here. The truth will make you pee your pants some more.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Elvis Presley was Adolf Hitler

Did you know that the rock legend, Elvis Presley was in reality Adolf Hitler. The facts will astound you and make you pee in your pants. Click this link now and read the truth that THEY are trying to hide from you.