Thursday, January 6, 2011

The truth is alway a bitter pill

Being a conspiracy theorist is not an easy job. Everyone hates you. Civil claims are laid against you on a daily basis. Your every move is being watched by the Illuminati agents, Opus Dei agents, Oprah agents, CIA agents and even Annunaki. I see we are even being watched by FEMA agents now...I wonder why?

And then sometimes one come upon a conspiracy about someone loved by everyone and you know when you expose it, everyone will hate you for it. But, because of the oath we swore when we first put on that green ring is that we will always bRING out the truth, no matter how ghastly.

(Sorry, wait, that is the Green Lantern corp.)

In any case, people are going to hate Conspiracy Man when they read the real truth about Elvis. Click the link and go there and please...don't hate me for exposing the truth...

google-site-verification: google005b2467e9111417.html


LOTGK said...

About FEMA,...
If the president ever declares a country wide non-military emergency then FEMA assumed control and command of the government. However, there are no provisions to repeal those powers once FEMA has control. Hence, be very afraid.

Ayden Ballentine said...

FEMA looks so much like only part of a word. Like FEMALE, perhaps??? And isn't the Annunaki, who are on their way to earth in humungous starships, FEMALES?

Do I smell a conspiracy here. When FEMALES take over everyone will have to run for their lives...

Wasn't it Hilary Clinton who dragged the body of that Al Queda leader through the streets of Baghdad after she cut his throat and scalped him? She then jumped naked onto a horse and dragged the body behind her...

I read it in the Onion, but they didn't supply any photos. Does anyone have any photos of that incident?

Anonymous said...

Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.

- Daniel

Ayden Ballentine said...

Merci beaucoup pour ces mots gentils. Très rarement qu'un Théoricien de Conspiration comme m'obtient des mots
gentils. J'espère que vous pouvez pardonner mon français...

Ayden aka Conspiracy Man